1 Samuel Bible Study
This is an expositional Bible study on 1 Samuel by Mr. Robbie Parks, one of the godliest men I have been blessed to know. Enjoy.
Lesson 1: Introduction
The Walk Thru the Bible fellowship will begin a walk through a new book of the Bible this week! The Old Testament book of First Samuel will be the subject of this new study. In this lesson, First Samuel will be considered for the part it plays in the historical Scriptures and the characters of Hannah and her husband, Elkanah, will be introduced.
Lesson 2
This week's study examines 1 Samuel, chapter 1, verses 9-28. This section of text contains the prayer and the vow of Hannah. This distraught and childless woman asks the LORD for a son and vows to consecrate the child she would receive back to God as a lifelong servant.
Lesson 3
This week's study is drawn from the Song of Hannah in the 2nd chapter of First Samuel in the Old Testament. Hannah's Song is a worshipful prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord for His intercession in her life to give her a son, Samuel, after her many years of childlessness. It is a song of praise celebrating the sovereign might of God in the deliverance of His people and the reversal of human fortunes. Be prepared to worship the Lord!
Lesson 4
This lesson studies the corrupt practices of the priesthood under the administration of the high priest, Eli, during the life of Samuel. The significance of the priesthood itself and its sacrifices are also examined for their significance to new-covenant era believers in Christ.
Lesson 5
This week's study focuses on the pronouncement of judgment by a "man of God" on the priesthood of Eli & his sons. It serves as a reminder to all generations that God's forbearance toward sin eventually reaches a limit.
Lesson 6
This study examines the prophetic call of the young man, Samuel, the apprentice of the high priest Eli during the last days of Israel's Judges. In a time when "the word of the Lord was rare," Samuel was about to become God's prophetic spokesman to the chosen people. The first message God gives to the young man is a very tough one to deliver.
Lesson 7
War breaks out between Israel and the Philistines. The conflict becomes an instrument of judgment in the hand of God to carry out His wrath against the priesthood of Eli and his sons. The battle also tragically results in the capture by the Philistines of Israel's holiest icon--the ark of the covenant of the Lord.
Lesson 8
After capturing the Ark of God in battle against Israel, the Philistines assume they have triumphed over the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But they find out quickly that the Ark was too costly a prize for them and begin to look for a way to send it back.
Lesson 9
he prophet and priest, Samuel, ascends to the status of a judge of Israel and acts as the nation's governor under the authority of the LORD. The first challenge to his leadership is the expulsion of idolatry from Israel and the second comes again in the form of the Philistines.
Lesson 10
Samuel has grown old and was approaching the twilight of his ministry as judge, prophet, and priest over Israel. The elders of the people come to him and demand that he appoint a king to rule over them like the other nations that surround them. Samuel goes to the LORD in prayer. How will God respond to this demand?
Lesson 11
Saul, the son of Kish and a man of the tribe of Benjamin, went looking for some lost donkeys. But God was leading him somewhere else for a much larger purpose. What Saul would find would not be his father's lost livestock but the prophet Samuel who had important business with him.
Lesson 12
The time had come for Saul to step out from his hiding place among the baggage and his pastoral life in Gibeah and demonstrate he was the king God had empowered him to be. That opportunity presented itself through war. Because God's warfare is spiritual warfare, Saul needed God’s Spirit. So, the Lord saw that he received it for the grim task that lay before him. And Saul found out what we should know—when the battle is the Lord’s the victor is never in doubt.