The Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 13 33. Question: Why is He called God's only begotten Son, since we also are children of God? Answer: Because Christ alone is the eternal, natural Son of God.[1] We, however, are children of God by adoption, through grace, for Christ's sake.[2] [1] John 1:1-3, 14, 18; 3:16; Rom. 8:32; Heb. 1; I John 4:9. [2] John 1:12; Rom. 8:14-17; Gal. 4:6; Eph. 1:5, 6. 34. Question: Why do you call Him our Lord? Answer: Because He has ransomed us, body and soul,[1] from all our sins, not with silver or gold but with His precious blood,[2] and has freed us from all the power of the devil to make us His own possession.[3] [1] I Cor. 6:20; I Tim. 2:5, 6. [2] I Peter 1:18, 19. [3] Col. 1:13, 14; Heb. 2:14, 15.
The Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 11 29. Question: Why is the Son of God called Jesus, that is, Savior? Answer: Because He saves us from all our sins,[1] and because salvation is not to be sought or found in anyone else.[2] [1] Matt. 1:21; Heb. 7:25. [2] Is. 43:11; John 15:4, 5; Acts 4:11, 12; I Tim. 2:5. 30. Question: Do those believe in the only Savior Jesus who seek their salvation and well-being from saints, in themselves, or anywhere else? Answer: No. Though they boast of Him in words, they in fact deny the only Savior Jesus.[1] For one of two things must be true: either Jesus is not a complete Savior, or those who by true faith accept this Savior must find in Him all that is necessary for their salvation.[2] [1] I Cor. 1:12, 13; Gal. 5:4. [2] Col. 1:19, 20; 2:10; I John 1:7. |
The Heidelberg