The Master Plan of Evangelism
Below are nine videos by Robert Coleman based on his book, The Master Plan of Evangelism, which I heartily encourage you to buy today and read. It's a powerful book with a very basic idea. (He gave these talks at The C.S. Lewis Institute.) I think often many Christians miss the personal mission field right in front of them every day because they're aiming for the whole world. Thus, they end up never moving forward in sharing Christ and discipling others. The "whole world" is a big place and we can become paralyzed with fear or indecision if that's our goal. But Coleman points us to the evangelistic style of Jesus, who chose twelve people to really pour himself into. Coleman isn't the first one to say this, yet he says it very well and it really connected with me when I read it. I encourage you to read the book, watch the videos, and discuss it with a group of Christian friends. If you can't find anyone to discuss it with, please let me know and we can discuss it together. I would welcome that.