Never make the blunder of trying to forecast the way God is going to answer your prayer.
(Oswald Chambers) This Week’s Scripture · Leviticus 19:1-18 · Psalm 119:33-40 · 1 Corinthians 3:10-23 · Matthew 5:38-48 Adoration Leviticus 19:1-4 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 2 “Speak to all the congregation of the people of Israel and say to them, You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy. 3 Every one of you shall revere his mother and his father, and you shall keep my Sabbaths: I am the Lord your God. 4 Do not turn to idols or make for yourselves any gods of cast metal: I am the Lord your God. From All My Hope Is Firmly Grounded (verse 1) All my hope is firmly grounded in the great and living Lord; who, whenever I most need him, never fails to keep his word. God I must wholly trust, God the ever good and just. (Joachim Neander) Take time now to offer God your praise and worship. Confession Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain! 37 Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things; and give me life in your ways. (Psalm 119:36-37) All-compassionate God, we humbly acknowledge that we have taken sin lightly, that we have let it penetrate into the very depths of ourselves, and that apart from your grace we are helpless to do any deed good enough to merit salvation. Forgive us, please, and give us a better sense of the extent and effects of sin in our lives, so that we may be open and receptive to the divine grace that is our only hope for redemption and life. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. (Paul A. Laughlin) As David did in Psalm 139, ask the Lord to search you and know you through and through. Confess the sins God brings to mind, knowing you are forgiven and that He will cleanse you from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). Thanksgiving O Lord, we give you thanks that you have not left us in the dark to grope blindly through this world. Instead, in your grace and love you have given us your commandments. Help us keep them to the end. Enable us, in your strength, to keep your law and observe it with all our heart. Lead us with your Spirit so that we are not merely doing our duty, but delighting in walking the path you have set before us. Turn us away from the worthless things in this world which distract and lead us astray, and instead, give us the fullness of life you have promised us in Christ our Lord. For it is in his name for his sake we pray. Amen. (from Psalm 119:33-40) Spend some time reflecting on the prayer of thanksgiving above and then thank God for who he is and the many ways he has poured out his goodness and grace in your life. Supplication (Petitions – prayers for yourself) · Help me to grow in wisdom and become who you created and redeemed me to be. · Renew my mind and enable me to cultivate a godly perspective and attitude regarding the various spheres and circumstances of my life. · Today’s events and interactions with others, planned and unplanned · Other needs Supplication (Intercession – prayers for others) · My family, immediate and extended · Those struggling with sin, illness, or difficulties in their workplace · Other needs Behold, I long for your precepts; in your righteousness give me life! (Psalm 119:40)
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April 2024