Today we learn about how the Holy Spirit worked in the life and ministry of Stephen, in the Book of Acts. This Holy Spirit who worked in Stephen is the same Spirit who has moved in and through the lives of followers of Jesus for two thousand years. And the good news is this same Holy Spirit can work in and through your life too!! Just imagine what God might do when we trust him and step out in dependence upon his powerful Spirit.
This is the fourth lesson in our series on Spiritual Power. This lesson focuses on what has to first happen in our lives before we can begin living the spiritual life. God must first do a work to awaken us to our need for him. He must also take up residence in our lives before we can even desire to live the spiritual life, much less actually do so. Join me as we learn more about this from John 3:1-8. The Holy Spirit spoke and worked in ancient times. He moved mightily in and through the biblical writers. But does the Holy Spirit still speak today? That's a little of what we'll be talking about in this third lesson of our series, "Spiritual Power." This is Lesson 2 in our series on Spiritual Power. This lesson focuses on God's powerful outpouring of his Spirit in Acts 2. When we repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, we are given the precious gift of his Holy Spirit to empower us to live the spiritual life. The Spiritual Life, Part 1: Spiritual Power. Lesson 1: Meet The Holy Spirit This is the first lesson in the new video series, The Spiritual Life. This first part is on spiritual power and focuses on the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit. This lesson is an introduction to who the Holy Spirit is. |
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March 2024