Professing for God (for the week of November 1, 2020) PDF at Bottom Note to Group Leaders: More than anyone else, you are aware of the size of your group, time constraints, the needs of your group, etc. Please read through the Scripture and material below and use whatever you believe will be most helpful to your group. This Week’s Scripture: Micah 3 and 1 Thessalonians 2:1-13 Key Idea from Sermon “A prophet is one who speaks with authority given by God to speak for what is right and against what is wrong.” Discussing the Scripture 1. Read Micah 3. This chapter includes three judgments against Israel’s leadership – their prophets, priests, and rulers. List the accusations against the…
2. What is God’s sentence against the…
3. How should these shepherds (prophets, priests, and rulers) of God’s people be leading their people. What sources would you appeal to from the Old Testament? 4. Why is this mistreatment from God’s prophets and priests especially heinous and sinful? 5. How do you feel about God’s judgment on his prophets, priests, and rulers? 6. How does Micah, a true and godly prophet of God, describe himself in Micah 3:8? 7. Read 1 Thessalonians 2:1-13. How does Paul describe their (Paul, Silas, and Timothy) ministry among the Thessalonians? 8. What are the contrasts between God’s unfaithful representatives in Micah 3 and Micah (Micah 3:8), Paul, Silas, and Timothy? 9. How did the people respond to the ministry of Paul and his associates? Applying the Scripture 10. As Christians, we have all been given a certain authority when we speak and live out the Word of God before a watching world. How does that statement make you feel? 11. What impact can unfaithfulness and ungodliness by those who lead the church have in a church community? 12. What impact can that same unfaithfulness and ungodliness have outside the church community? 13. Put together a list of those who lead our church family and begin to pray regularly for them. ACTS (A prayer guide for this lesson)
John Wesley’s Questions for Self-Examination
Life Group StudiesCategories
May 2021