Sharing Your Story (for the week of October 11, 2020) PDF at bottom Note to Group Leaders: More than anyone else, you are aware of the size of your group, time constraints, the needs of your group, etc. Please read through the Scripture and material below and use whatever you believe will be most helpful to your group. This Week’s Scripture: Acts 4:1-20 Key Idea from Sermon “Be ready to talk to others about what you see God doing in you and around you.” Discussing the Scripture 1. According to verses 1-3, what got the apostles in trouble with the religious authorities? What happened to Peter and John because of this? 2. What was the result of what Peter and John were doing (v. 4)? Do you think this result was worth getting in trouble for? Why or why not? 3 What question was asked of Peter and John in verse 7? Why do you think they were asked this question? 4. Who enabled Peter to answer the religious authorities in this high-pressure situation (v. 8)? What does this teach you about your need when sharing your story about who God is and what he has done in your life? 5. In verses 9-11, what was Peter’s answer to the religious authorities? 6. What truth did Peter communicate in verse 12? (see also Matthew 1:21; John 14:6; Acts 10:43; 1 Timothy 2:5) 7. What astonished the religious leaders, according to verse 13? How does that encourage you to share your story about who God is and what he has done in your life? 8. In verses 14-17, the religious leaders conferred with one another and decided to tell Peter and John they could no longer speak to anyone else in (about) the name of Jesus. Why? 9. How did Peter and John reply in verses 18-19? (see also Acts 5:29) Could you reply the same way Peter and John did? Why or why not? 10. What are some things you and these apostles have in common? (A hint for one answer is found in Romans 8:11) Applying the Scripture 11. What would you say are your top three obstacles in sharing your story about who God is and what he has done in your life? 12. Reflect on each obstacle you just listed. What is it about each one that makes it an obstacle for you? 13. What are three things you could begin doing today to move past those obstacles? What truths did you learn in this lesson’s Scripture to help you make those changes? ACTS (A prayer guide for this lesson)
John Wesley’s Questions for Self-Examination
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