The Devoted Life (for the week of October 18, 2020) PDF at bottom Note to Group Leaders: More than anyone else, you are aware of the size of your group, time constraints, the needs of your group, etc. Please read through the Scripture and material below and use whatever you believe will be most helpful to your group. This Week’s Scripture: Acts 2:42-47 Key Idea from Sermon “New life in Christ will fill us with devotion to better know and love God so we can better love and serve others. God will bring the increase to his Kingdom.” Discussing the Scripture 1. The Book of Acts is often called, “the Acts of the Apostles.” Read the following verses and write down your suggestion for another title (Acts 1:4-5; 1:8; 2:4; 2:17; 2:33; 4:8; 4:31; 6:3; 6:10; 8:17; 9:17)? 2. Read Acts 2:1-41. What happened to bring all these new followers of Jesus Christ together in Acts 2:42-47? 3. Verse 42 says these new believers devoted themselves to four activities. Look up the word “devoted” in a dictionary. What does it mean? Why do you think they were so devoted? Why is such devotion important for a follower of Jesus? 4. List the four activities that verse 42 says these new believers were devoted to. 5. What would the “apostles’ teaching” have included? (Read Matthew 28:18-20, John 14:25-26, John 16:12-13, and Acts 1:3 for ideas.) What does the “apostles’ teaching” include today? 6. The Greek word for “fellowship” is, koinonia. It means sharing and participating in a common goal. One commentator said it was an intentional and intimate experience, where the believers shared together “in material goods as well as spiritual wealth.” What does Acts 2:42-47 suggests that fellowship looked like? 7. The reference to “breaking of bread” in verse 2, is twofold. It means both enjoying a common meal together as well as the Lord’s Supper. Why would both have been so important to the early Christians? Why are both so vital for Christians today? 8. Verse 42 tells us these new believers also devoted themselves to prayer. The Greek word here actually means, “the prayers.” This tells us that not only did they pray individually but also together as a community. Why is that so significant in the life of a Christian community? 9. Verse 43 points out that God strengthened this new community of believers with the presence of supernatural miracles performed by the apostles, which filled the people with awe. Why do you think God did this? 10. What do verses 44-46 report as the result of the devoted life of this new Christian community? 11. And what does verse 47 say was the result of verses 42-46? Who ultimately produced that fruit of the Kingdom of God? (Bonus Question: How would you write this out as a mathematical equation?) Applying the Scripture 12. Can Christians today have the same level of devotion as these early believers did? Why or why not? Do you? Why or why not? 13. How can you devote yourself to the apostles’ teaching? 14. How can you devote yourself to Christian fellowship? 15. How can you devote yourself to “the breaking of bread” (Lord’s Supper) (Read 1 Corinthians 11:23-29 for some insight)? 16. How can you devote yourself to private and corporate prayer? 17. Whose help will you need to be so devoted? (not a trick question) ACTS (A prayer guide for this lesson)
John Wesley’s Questions for Self-Examination
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