The Turning Point from Discouragement (for the week of April 18, 2021) (PDF at the bottom) This Week’s Scripture: John 20:19-31 Key Idea from Sermon Jesus gives encouragement.
1. The disciples have left Jerusalem and returned to Galilee. Describe the scene in verses 1-3. 2. Read verses 4-6 and Luke 5:1-11. Based on those texts, why do you think John and Peter knew it was Jesus (vv. 7-8)? (Observation: Verse 9 says there was a warm fire and breakfast waiting for the disciples when they came ashore. Even as the risen Lord, Jesus continues to serve his disciples. This verse (the fire of burning coals) also sets a familiar scene of where Peter denied Jesus (John 18:18), which will come into play.) 3. Read verses 15-17. What does Jesus ask Peter three times? Why? (See John 18:15-18, 25-27) 4. The first time Jesus asks Peter this question, he adds the phrase, “more than these.” Read John 13:37; Matthew 26:33; Mark 14:29. Based on these Scriptures, why might Jesus have added that phrase? 5. How does Peter reply to Jesus each time? What emotion does Peter have after Jesus asked him the question the third time. Why do you think that is? 6. Based on the Scripture, what shift or turning point do you think was happening to Peter as he was asked the same question three times in a row? 7. What did Jesus command Peter to do after each of Peter’s replies? What did Jesus mean? (See John 10:11, 14 and 1 Peter 5:1-4) 8. This scene in John’s Gospel is commonly referred to as Peter’s recommission or reinstatement to apostleship after his denials of Jesus. At what point(s) in your own story have you experienced Jesus “reinstating” you to serve him? Or, to deepen your relationship with him? 9. Pastor Phillip emphasized the encouragement Jesus gave to Peter. What does it mean to encourage someone? Why is encouraging another person so important? 10. Share a time when you were going through a season of discouragement and were strengthened and built up by someone else coming along beside you to encourage you? What difference did it make in your life? ![]()
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May 2021